International Students

A seminarian in need of a student visa needs to observe the following guidelines:

  • Be accepted by a diocese and have a letter of sponsorship in his file;
  • Follow the regular admissions process for St. Patrick’s Seminary;
  • Provide permanent full name, non-US address, and proof of sufficient financing for his course of studies and living expenses;
  • Upon acceptance, St. Patrick’s Seminary will issue an Initial Status I-20 form that must be signed and presented to the US Consulate in the candidate’s home country in order to obtain an F-1 visa;
  • Present the F-1 visa and the I-20 form upon entrance to the United States within 30 days prior to the start of classes.

An international student must do the following upon matriculation:

  • Meet with Grace Laxamana, the seminary’s Designated School Official, who will review the F-1 visa requirements with each student to make sure he understands his responsibilities and the steps necessary to remain in good standing;
  • Sign 3 copies of the Continued Attendance I-20 which will be provided by the PDSO or DSO—the student keeps one copy will be kept in his files and returns the other two to PDSO;
  • Inform the PDSO and your Vocation Director of any and all travel plans;
  • Follow all instructions given by both the Primary Designated School Official and the Designated School Official.

It is the student’s responsibility to maintain his I-20 status.

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