Master of Divinity

The Configuration Stage

The Master of Divinity (MDiv) is a first professional degree. It is designed to foster basic theological understanding and develop initial pastoral competence in students preparing for priestly ministry.

At STPSU, the MDiv Program corresponds to the Configuration Stage of priestly formation, in accordance with The Program of Priestly Formation (6th ed.), #291-292. The curriculum, in providing the intellectual foundation of an integral and initial formation program, involves an in-depth study of the Catholic theological tradition and a supervised practice of ministry.

All seminarians who enter into theological studies at STPSU are enrolled in the MDiv Program. Together with MDiv Program Requirements and 12 units of Ordination Requirements, seminarians who successfully complete this course of study will have the intellectual formation necessary for priestly ministry. With STPSU’s comprehensive and integrative theological curriculum, seminarians come to embody the Church’s rich intellectual heritage so that they can communicate it faithfully and convincingly to others. Field experiences integrated with the curriculum equip the seminarians with the administrative and ministerial skills for parish leadership. Courses in Homiletics help form engaging preachers. Our courses on Liturgical Theology and Theological Aesthetics, community liturgies, and Practicum courses expose our seminarians to the beauty of the Liturgy so that they can celebrate the Sacraments reverently.

Rev. Geronimo (Jerome) Magat, S.T.D.

Coordinator of the Master of Divinity Program

Ordained in 2002 for the Catholic Diocese of Arlington (Virginia), Fr. Magat serves as Vice-Rector of the seminary, and as professor of moral theology, liturgy, and homiletics. Fr. Magat has worked in seminary formation for over 12 years, having served on four different seminary faculties.

Prerequisites for Admission

Applicants must have an undergraduate degree, have completed 30 semester credits of philosophy in the areas identified in the Program of Priestly Formation and 12 semester credits of religious studies. All other admission requirements as outlined in St. Patrick’s Admissions Policies and Information apply.

Program Learning Outcomes

By the end of the program, students will be able to:

  • Teach the Catholic Faith as contained in Sacred Scripture and Tradition and historically developed by the Magisterium, including applying prudently the principles of faith and morals to be lived experiences of the Christian faithful;
  • Minister at the public celebrations of the Word of God and sacraments, in observance of the relevant principles and norms in the reverent celebrations of the liturgy and the sacraments;
  • Demonstrate the qualities of spiritual fatherhood in pastoral ministry, including through responsible and collaborative leadership in parish administration.

Program Requirements

The first sequence of the MDiv curriculum equips seminarians with the necessary Scriptural and Theological foundations. The second sequence, “Pastoral Foundations,” provides students with courses in Pastoral Theology and offers a Pastoral Internship experience. The Pastoral Internship (PI) is a 5-7 month, full immersion, diocesan-based, internship program conducted in the seminarian’s sponsoring diocese, under the direction and administration of STPSU. Normally, the Pastoral Internship takes place after Theology II. After the Pastoral Internship, students return to the Seminary for the completion of their final two years of theological and pastoral training.

The academic courses, which contribute to the achievement of Program Learning Outcomes, cover the following specific areas and number of credits:

Sacred Scripture 16 credits
Moral and Spiritual Theology 12 credits
Dogmatics (including Sacramental/Liturgical and Church History)43 credits
Pastoral Studies (including Canon Law)18 credits
Sacred Music2 credits
Total91 credits

Ordination Requirements

In addition to the MDiv curriculum, all seminarians are required to complete the following 12 credits of Ordination Requirements:

  • SD-4124: Patristics (2)
  • SS-5218: Matthew-Mark (2)
  • SS-5217: Luke-Acts (2)
  • SD-5213: Christology/Soteriology (3)
  • MT-7305: Bioethics (3)

*Some dioceses may require additional language studies

To complete successfully the program, students are expected to maintain an overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0. During the last semester, the MDiv student must pass an oral comprehensive exam with a score of 2.5 out of 4.0.

MDiv Course of Study

Fall – Theology I

MT-4101: Fundamental Moral Theology (2)
SD-4101: Fundamental Theology (3)
SD-4122: Church History I: Early to Medieval Church History (3)
SL-5211: Liturgical Theology (2)
SS-4102: Pentateuch and Historical Books (3)
PS-4121: Homiletics I: Proclaiming the Word (non-credit requirement)
Language Course (2) (Elective)

Total: 13+

Spring – Theology I

MT-4111: Spiritual Theology (3)
MT-5202: Virtues and Vices (2)
SD-4103: Theological Anthropology (3)
SD-4124: Patristics (2)*
SS-4104: Prophets (3)
Language Course (2) (Elective)

Total: 13+

Fall – Theology II

SD-5213: Christology/Soteriology (3)*
SD-5226: Church History II: Late Medieval to Modern Church History (3)
SL-5203: Introduction to the Sacraments: Baptism and Confirmation (3)
PS-7311: Canon Law I: Introduction (2)
SS-5218: Matthew-Mark (2)*
Language Course (2) (Elective)

Total: 13+

Spring – Theology II

MT-5206: Sexual Ethics and the Person (3)
SD-5211: The Trinity (3)
SM-4100: The History and Principles of Sacred Music (2)
PS-5222: Homiletics II (3)
SS-5217: Luke-Acts (2)*
Language Course (2) (Elective)

Total: 13+

Fall – Pastoral Intership

PS- 6503: Pastoral Internship (0)

Total: 0

Spring – Theology III

MT-7304: Catholic Social Teaching (2)
PS-7323: Homiletics III (2)
PS-8432: Canon Law II: The Sacraments (2)
SD-8431: Ecclesiology (3)
SL-7302: Eucharist (3)
SS-4109: Gospel of John (3)

Total: 15

Fall – Theology III

MT-7305: Bioethics (3)*
PS-8456: Canon Law III: Marriage (2)
SL-8406: Holy Orders and Marriage (4)
SS-5211: Pauline Corpus (3)

Total: 12

Spring – Theology IV

PS-8413: Pastoral Counseling (3)
SD-7328: Sources of Renewal: A Theological & Historical Reading of the Church in the 20th-21st Centuries (2)
SL-8404: Penance & Anointing (3)
SS-5215: Hebrews, Catholic Epistles, and Revelation (2)
Theology Elective—required (2)

Total: 12

Fall – Theology IV

PS-8414: Spiritual Direction (2)
PS-8438: Liturgical Practicum (2)
SD-8433: Mariology (2)
SD-8436: Apologetics and the New Evangelization (2)
SS-5213: Wisdom Literature (2)
Theology Elective—required (2)

Total: 12

Total MDiv Units: 103+
Total Ordination Units: 12

* = Ordination Requirement

On Friday, February 21, organist Clara Gerdes Bartz plays Dupré, Titelouze, Peeters, Karg Elert, Tournemire, and others for CISM's Tota Pulchra Es concert.