Nina S. Heereman, S.S.D.

Professor of Sacred Scripture


Dr. Heereman was born and raised in a devout Catholic family in Germany. Originally trained to become a lawyer, she experienced a deep encounter with the Lord which led her to discern a vocation as a lay woman celibate for the sake of the kingdom. She received two years of spiritual formation and attended the ICPE school of Evangelization in India, Banglore, which eventually led her to theological studies so as to consecrate her life to the study and teaching of the Word of God. She received an STB from the Pontifical Gregorian University, an SSL from the Pontifical Biblical Institute, and the SSD from the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem and the Université de Fribourg. During and after her doctoral studies she lectured at the Collège des Bernhardins, Paris, and the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome as a visiting professor. Explaining her discernment to join St. Patrick’s faculty, Dr. Heereman writes: “In particular, I desire to open up the treasures of the Scriptures to future priests so that their ministry might be rooted in the Word of God as the living source of their life and preaching. I am deeply committed to the Church’s desire to make ‘the study of the sacred page the very soul of theology’ (DV 24).”

Conference/Workshop Presentation

“Thy Kingdom Come!” principal address at the “Annual Spring Thomistic Circles Conference. Our Father: Prayer and Theology”, in Washington DC, March 25, 2022.

“Finding Consolation in the Book of Revelation,” conference for Chapter of the Thomistic Institute at UC Berkley, CA, March 11, 2022.

“The Visitation”, a video meditation for the Virtual Catholic Conference on the Holy Rosary.

“The Sistine Chapel and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,” a day of recollection for the Chancery of the Archdiocese of San Francisco, CA, December 8, 2021.

“From Mesopotamian Sacred Marriages to the Wedding of the Lamb,” an online conference given for a series of lectures on “The Mesopotamian Background of the Bible,” organized by Bible Eyes, The Patriarchate of Bagdad, Iraq.

Selected Publications

“Behold King Solomon on the Day of His Wedding!”: A Symbolic Diachronic Reading of Song 3:6-11 and 4:12–5:1 (BETL 320, Leuven, Peeters) 2021.

L’amour d’alliance. Lecture symbolique du Cantique des Cantiques, in Communio XLVII, janvier-février 2022, 29-43.

“Bei euch sei es nicht so!” in “Was Er euch sagt, das tut!” Kritische Beleuchtung des Synodalen Weges. C. Binninger et. al (Hrsg.), Regensburg, Verlag Friedrich Pustet 2021.

“Recuperating the Song of Songs as Religious Poetry. Building a Bridge from Composition to Canon” in P. van Hecke (ed.), The Song of Songs in Its Context: Word for Love, Love for Words (BETL 310, Leuven, Peeters, 2020).

“Moral ohne Jesus, Jesus ohne Moral? Jesus ist die Aufklärung über den Menschen” in Die Tagespost (Forum: Die Zukunft der Moral – die Moral der Zukunft), 24. Dezember 2020.

“‘Who is the Church?’ Part I. The Roots of the Church in the Old Testament” in: Pietre Vive 6/2018; Part II. The Roots of the Church in the New Testament,” in: Pietre Vive 7/2019.

“Where is Wisdom to be Found?” Rethinking the Song of Song’s Solomonic Setting, in ZAW 130 (2018).

“‘Behold King Solomon!’: Inner-Biblical Interpretation in Song 3:6-11” in A. Schellenberg – L. Schwienhorst-Schönberger (eds.), Interpreting the Song of Songs: Literal or Allegorical? (BTS, 26), Leuven, Peeters, 2016.



Ass. jur. – Second State Examination in Law, Free State of Bavaria (Germany).

S.T.B. – Pontifical Gregorian University

S.S.L. – Pontifical Biblical Institute

S.S.D. – École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem and Université de Fribourg

Dissertation: Behold King Solomon:  A Symbolic-Diachronic Reading of Song 3:6-11 and 4:12-5:1

Congratulations to our own Rev. Kevin Joyce on the publication of his book Surprised by Grace.