Ways to Give

St. Patrick’s Seminary serves the Roman Catholic Church by forming priests whose lives are configured to the sacrifice of Jesus, rooted in His Word and Sacrament, and dedicated to serve the people of God with the pastoral charity of Christ. Thank you for your support.

By Phone 

To make a gift by phone and for more information about the ways to give listed below, please contact  Martha Sheridan in the Advancement Office at (650) 289-3355. 

By Mail  

Checks made payable to St. Patrick’s Seminary may be mailed to: 

St Patrick’s Seminary Advancement Office 
320 Middlefield Rd. 
Menlo Park, CA 94025 

A downloadable Pledge Form is linked here.

Gifts of Stock & Annuities 

To make a gift of stock, please contact Martha Sheridan in the Advancement Office at (650) 289-3355. All transfers are handled through the Archdiocese of San Francisco. 

IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions 

Individual retirement arrangement (IRA) owners age 70½ or over can transfer up to $100,000 to charity tax-free each year. 

These transfers, known as qualified charitable distributions or QCDs, offer eligible older Americans a great way to easily give to charity. And, for those who are at least 73 years old, QCDs count toward the IRA owner’s required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year. 

Planned Giving

Leave a legacy of support for future seminarians. Bequests and charitable remainder trusts are among the ways to fulfill your philanthropic goals for St. Patrick’s Seminary. Learn more about legacy planning here.

Planned Giving donors are recognized as members of the Archbishop Riordan Legacy Society. A downloadable Letter of Intent is linked here.

Matching Gifts 

Maximize your personal gift with a corporate match. When you donate to St. Patrick’s, submit a matching gift request to your employer. St. Patrick’s tax EIN is 94-1156604. 

In-Kind Donations 

We are pleased to receive gifts of goods or services that answer a specific need. To discuss whether your gift can serve St. Patrick’s, please contact Martha Sheridan in the Advancement Office at (650) 289-3355. 

We recommend you consult your tax advisor to explore the tax benefits specific to in-kind donations. 


Help us reach our $250,000 Day of Giving goal!